
When I stumble, he picks me up;
kisses my forehead, like a gentleman,
spins me graceful; the potter
perfecting his latest creation.

When others critique every step,
he overlooks the flaws, applauds

like any good father would.


Fresh Bread

Though we never learned
to dance,
he twirled me;

even thunder
couldn’t dim the day
or quiet the laughter
of hearts, humming,
soft, subtle,
like songbirds,

and when winter comes,
let the snow fall
in-between kisses
like poems
looking for a place to land;
like lines, repeated,

but not lukewarm;
never gray.

Living Water

The still speaks so loudly;
walls echoing her words
in a passionate vibrato.

One coffee cup and a book
open to psalm twenty-three
where she finds comfort
in greenery
and living water,

joyous, despite the storm

frolicking within the presence
of light.

in good company.

day 30 (final day of NaPoMo. a poem a day for National Poetry Month. I have been behind due to illness.)

In This Atmosphere

Like a musician, you strum strings,
play delicate notes upon my heart,
leave love trickling, tickling senses
like the words you spill that sting;
breath that sings down my spine;
removing every misconception,
turning every doubt to stardust;
to hope in the iris of my eyes.

Day 8 of NaPoMo (a poem a day for National poetry Month)

Love Letter #52: Turn the Page

As that door swung open
at 2:00 am,
(always my prophetic hour,)
I knew these bare feet
would find wildflowers;

fingers wrapped in the warmth
of his,
this heart –
skipping beats

within the sound of syllables

a collective sigh
of moon awaiting sun.

A first book is birthed in pain;
love spilled upon pages one
through forty-eight,
hidden in quivering pen
by the flicker of a candle,

but, turn the page,
and there is a light!;
a pirouette of words

a kaleidoscope;
a skyful of enamored stars
and the joyful prance of souls

joining the letters
of love’s sentence

Morning Glory

Let Saturday spill through my window;
silhouette of daffodils reflecting yellow
through the shutters as I turn over
and his hand is missing from mine,

but the scent on his pillow remains,
leaving me inhaling the presence
of love and last night’s conversation.

We hesitate to let morning come,
but, oh, how the sun lends light to life;
the red glimmer from a cardinal
taps a love song upon the stained glass;
butterflies chasing daisies, swaying
even in the absence of an august breeze.

At six o’clock A.M., silence hums
and a far away melody strums
to my heart, soft, like his blessings;
like the words we whisper
when no one else is listening.


Against This Present Darkness

Eyes rise and fall
with simple shading of clouds
upon a face;
a bowed head
seeking shelter
from raging tempests;

from love’s ache.

Night comes quietly
like snowflakes in winter;
like the whisper of psalms
​ beyond candlelit curtains.

I keep your words with me
soft syllables of grace,
sweet shelter

in the midst of my storm.


Charcoal Outline

If shadows could speak,
mine and yours would converse
about the fragile life
​of daffodils,

the softness of constellations
and the way light billows
through strands of our hair;

silhouettes sleeping

within the length
of one another.


Morning Glory


Oh, light, posing promise,

                        like posies,

        picked apart, strewn;


        like morning glory,



                below bedroom windows.


Oh, jealous moon

     tempting twilight,

        with its scattered stars




  like the thoughts

         you left me with.



Oh grace,
from the foundation of the world
      picked like daisies
          and scattered;
 predestined to love
                           and be loved.

Oh light
  of a single constellation
          beaming down
turning a shack to a palace;
                        into adoring angels.
Oh, night,
   holy, adorned
       with his presence;
         a blessing,

undeserved, unexplained.

        this love,
             without conditions.


~(I am penning a poem a day from November 24th through December 25th, 2016 to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is day #24)

Enter In

Take me
to that secret place
where only those dear to your heart

may enter in;

where love and compassion
fill every vessel
and light,
oh light
leads us
through corridors
without parables;

Use me.

Use every drop of my inspiration,
every ounce of passion
to illuminate the walls
the world builds.

Open gates for me

with flowered gardens
of your love.



~(I am penning a poem a day from November 24th through December 25th, 2016 to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is day #15)