
There’s a stillness in the atmosphere
fading blue when winds carry ache;
breaths held because we cannot
I sing my joy.
It echoes
from my heart to yours
when love bridges distance,

press in to words
like fingers on strings
of a well tuned instrument,
serenade them

until this all plays out.




When February left,
it took my voice with it
and somewhere between then
and now,

I forgot how to write,

or just got tired.

March needs an umbrella
to cover the gloom;
catch tears from looming skies

and in this storm,
I almost forgot there’s a light;
arms to shelter me,
cover me

in the cleft of a rock.


Portrait of a Life

Constellations carry pieces of us
dancing about the atmosphere
walking a tightrope of love
battling the elements of hate;
just specks of dust, drawn together
like subjects of nature’s portrait
cradled within crescent moons
for a temporary pause in seasons.
