You Say You’re Insignificant?

You’re a listener, a friendly face,
a shining light to lead the way.
You’re a nurturer, a confidant,
a soft smile on a cloudy day.

You’re tired, but persistent,
slow down, but never give up,
pour out blessings upon others;
a warm heart with an empty cup.

You’re the arms to hold them;
pick them up when they fall.
You’re a conqueror, a vessel
forever answering the call.


Someone needs to hear this today…

Look How They Shine For You

The constellations refuse to shine
hide behind a dark moon,
aching for your touch;
for just a semblance of light
to warm the earth, bloom daisies;
bring something gold to life;
something green to breathe in.

Day 30 of NaPoMo (a poem a day in April for National Poetry Month)
The last day.. Farewell again, April. You have my heart, April, wild, unpredictable, poetic …

Washing Day

Saturday was washing day.
Grandma handed me clothespins
and a basket of laundry.

I danced away,
a sheet, my regal robe,
the sprinkler, a crown,
doodle bugs,
my treasured subjects.

I noticed Grandma
hands on her hips

as she stared into the basket,
still full in the grass.

Day 29 of NaPoMo (a poem a day in APril for National Poetry Month)