Unapologetically Speaking

Step out into the streets
and spread the news,
greet another with a smile,
carrying love in a backpack
enough to share,

sprinkling peace
throughout your journey.

Quote words of truth
from red pages
read with affection,
but if they shun you
and turn their backs,
walk through the same door
you came into

shaking off their sentiments
as you leave.


Visualize this…

What if you could take every hurt,
every careless word spoken against you,
place it in a box, nail it shut,
drive to the ocean, toss it in
and just start over?

You can.
It is called forgiveness.
It isn’t easy, but it is healing

not for them,
but for you.

Into the Light

When the night sky
appears to be void of light,
winds of adversity
bring a chill to your bones,
sit with me on the bridge,
draping our feet over the side.
We don’t have to speak
or lock eyes to communicate.

It’s a familiar place
that robs a heart of joy,
locks the door,
closes the drapes
to keep the darkness in.

Walk with me at sunrise,
let the sun touch your face,
as fields of wildflowers bring life
to that smile you wear
so beautifully into the light.



*** If you see someone in the dark, show them the light***

A Collective Breath

when clouds get heavy
and constellations disappear
along with any semblance
of humanity.

there is a breathing
in the atmosphere
a synchronous hum
that echoes through trees,

and the valley
our hopes spring up from.

the scent of seasons,
the bouquets that bring gladness
the trickle of dew,
the warmth of sun

and exhale
everything that weighs
your beautiful heart down.

flower Power

They said I spoke excessively
about flowers,
especially daffodils,
so I attempted to restrain myself,

but my tresses began to turn
an emerald shade of green,
veins turned to vines,
cheeks blushed the color of roses,
fingers, bloomed into calla lilies,

so I had no other alternative
than to plant myself
in the garden

to grow another poem.

Lyric of Love

A blur of red and gold
dashes past
the bedroom window;

a desperate lyric of love
echoes through branches,
over meadows, fluttering
into the ear of the intended.

There is a stirring
in the atmosphere,

a cry of poetry, blooming.



In the beginning,
they stood beside you,
puffed out chests, clenched fists,

but somewhere along the way,
you neglected to fall into place.
There were disagreements,
differences of opinion,
so, they all jumped ship
as quickly as they came;

shadows following behind them,
like trees turning away from the sun.

Rivers Too Deep

Words congregating
into sentences,
falling upon the keyboard
typing themselves in my sleep.

Pressure is mounting,
like a dam

holding back waterfalls.

They line up like tulips,
pretty as a picture
swaying, dancing
but too bashful
to come on stage,
too strong to spill out

into rivers too deep to swim.

Our Travels, in a Nutshell

There’s an island in my head,
a rainy afternoon sipping tea,
a stormy cookout, a special dance,
a book from a house in a tree,

a proposal on a mountain,
a horse and carriage, a sigh
ice cream cones in the park,
39 days of July,

deja vu in an airport,
a vertical rainbow shines
sheets of song lyrics
a little black dress,
a sign.

San Josef, a perfect sand dollar,
chasing a bear, a red fox
fields of lavender, a tiny chapel,
riding a moped, funny socks,

feeding friendly goats,
an outhouse,
kleenex turning blue,
tranquility on a rock,
a nudist ruining the view,

Always seeking
a spiritual experience,
an impromptu photo shoot,
missed flights, unpaved roads,
It’s always an adventure
with you.