
I believe you would reach
across the skies to cover me;
sprinkle light
through every crevasse;

your whispers, an epiphany
like the constellation that fell
at the end of March

like the song playing
on the car radio
when I thought it was all over

until colors changed
from blue to gold
and the sun filled
every hole in my heart
with light.


Day 13 of NaPoMo (a poem a day in April for National Poetry Month)

Into the Light

When the night sky
appears to be void of light,
winds of adversity
bring a chill to your bones,
sit with me on the bridge,
draping our feet over the side.
We don’t have to speak
or lock eyes to communicate.

It’s a familiar place
that robs a heart of joy,
locks the door,
closes the drapes
to keep the darkness in.

Walk with me at sunrise,
let the sun touch your face,
as fields of wildflowers bring life
to that smile you wear
so beautifully into the light.



*** If you see someone in the dark, show them the light***

Look How They Shine For You

The constellations refuse to shine
hide behind a dark moon,
aching for your touch;
for just a semblance of light
to warm the earth, bloom daisies;
bring something gold to life;
something green to breathe in.

Day 30 of NaPoMo (a poem a day in April for National Poetry Month)
The last day.. Farewell again, April. You have my heart, April, wild, unpredictable, poetic …


You cover me from every angle,
your warmth flowing through me,
twirling ‘round my silhouette
like a whirlwind of love
to soothe the ache;
a lamp amidst the darkness
flickering love notes

to tame the waves
still to come.

Day 6 – a poem a day in April for National Poetry Month

Light Show

Sun shines through the curtains
and everything changes.
A chorus of birds
suddenly becomes a symphony;
silhouette of trees applaud.

At dusk, lightning bugs
join forces with the moon
constellations circle in rhythm;
a rhyme, a ring of light

this beautiful compilation
of creation dancing.

Day 13

I am writing a poem a day from November 26, 2020 through December 25, 2020 to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is my 5th year of doing this series and I feel so blessed!❤️

Look Up

Obstacles in my path
pushing, pushing,
but my feet are planted,
pointed forward;

chasing the light.


Day 4

I am writing a poem a day from November 26, 2020 through December 25, 2020 to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is my 5th year of doing this series and I feel so blessed!❤️